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Fad vs. Fat: Popular diets - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

Fad vs. Fat: Popular diets

March 09, 2019

Lose 15 pounds by the weekend? Get your dream body while eating whatever you want and without having to go to the gym? Shelves full of books and hours of infomercials will try to have you believe otherwise, but there is no magic formula that can get you the body you want.

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5 Healthy Foods That Are Keeping You Up at Night - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

5 Healthy Foods That Are Keeping You Up at Night

March 08, 2019

We don't have to explain to you why diving into a plate of jalapeno nachos or a pint of rocky road during dinner will likely make it hard to fall asleep later in the night. 

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10 Reasons Why Processed Foods Are So Bad for You - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

10 Reasons Why Processed Foods Are So Bad for You

March 07, 2019

Chances are you’ve eaten some processed food today. Whether it was breakfast cereal, a granola bar, lunchmeat or a frozen dinner, some part of your diet likely contained one or more of the many preserved, refined, prepared or otherwise messed-around-with packaged foods that line our grocery store shelves.

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6 Ways To Help Your Kid Enjoy Healthy Eating - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

6 Ways To Help Your Kid Enjoy Healthy Eating

March 06, 2019

Even though it may not seem like children listen to their parents and caregivers, much of what they learn about how to live a healthy life comes from you. By educating yourself, you can help them live better lives. We all know how important good nutrition habits are when it comes to our family's health.

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Prostate vs. a Plant-Based Diet - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

Prostate vs. a Plant-Based Diet

March 05, 2019

Eating a plant-based diet may protect against BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy, an enlarged prostate) If individual plant foods reduce the risk of prostate enlargement, what about an entire diet composed of plant foods?

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Everything you need to know about eating nuts (and preventing diabetes) - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

Everything you need to know about eating nuts (and preventing diabetes)

March 04, 2019

If nuts aren’t a staple in your daily diet, they ought to be. That’s especially true if you’re at increased risk for type 2 diabetes.

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Kale Near Top of ‘Dirty Dozen’ Produce List - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

Kale Near Top of ‘Dirty Dozen’ Produce List

March 03, 2019

The Dirty Dozen list of produce items with the highest pesticide residues that comes out annually included kale this year — the first time in a decade that the beloved leafy green has made the list.

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27 Health and Nutrition Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

27 Health and Nutrition Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based

March 01, 2019

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to health and nutrition. People, even qualified experts, often seem to have the exact opposite opinions.

However, despite all the disagreements, there are a few things that are well supported by research.

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Osteoporosis breakthrough: Bone mass increased by 800 percent - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

Osteoporosis breakthrough: Bone mass increased by 800 percent

February 28, 2019

A groundbreaking set of studies has found that blocking certain receptors in the brain leads to the growth of remarkably strong bones. Could a new osteoporosis treatment be on the horizon?

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Study reveals how much fiber we should eat to prevent disease - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

Study reveals how much fiber we should eat to prevent disease

February 26, 2019

A new meta-analysis examines 40 years' worth of research in an attempt to find out the ideal amount of fiber that we should consume to prevent chronic disease and premature mortality.

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5 Health Foods You Should Stop Throwing Away - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

5 Health Foods You Should Stop Throwing Away

February 25, 2019

You know that part of a fresh vegetable you cut off and throw away? Think again and don't scrap the scraps. Simple preparations will open the door to better nutrition.

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Alcohol may be less harmful for people over 50 - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

Alcohol may be less harmful for people over 50

February 24, 2019

A recent study examines the health impact of consuming alcohol at different ages. The authors conclude that, for people over the age of 50, the health risks may be less severe.

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