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How to Detoxify Your Brain Naturally

October 12, 2020

How to Detoxify Your Brain Naturally - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

Generally, detoxing the entire body will mean that the brain gets a detox too. However, some people specifically look for ways to detox their brain… and if we’re going to be specific, then there are a few techniques that will more effectively target the brain.

* But first, what is brain fog?
Brain fog is a symptom and not a disease. It manifests itself with a variety of other symptoms such as lack of mental clarity, confusion, memory problems, an inability to concentrate, irritability, anxiety, headaches and a general lack of motivation.

It’s like you’re not in a mood to do anything, but you’re not in a state of depression. You’re just functioning like a cog in some machine going through the motions in a zombie-like state… or something to that effect.

* Why do we get brain fog?
A poor diet that is high in processed foods and junk food will flood the body with toxins. So will alcohol consumption and smoking. While your liver can eliminate these toxins, if there’s a non-stop influx of toxins, there will be an overload and accumulation of these harmful substances in your body.

These will cause a variety of health issues such as inflammation, obesity, etc. You may develop sleep disorders, aches and pains, and other problems that are precursors to more serious health problems which are waiting to ravage your body.

* How can we detoxify the brain?
The first step will be to clean up your diet by eliminating sugar, processed foods and simple carbs. Simple carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread, donuts, etc. are extremely bad for the body and cause a lot of issues that contribute to brain fog.

Another way to detox your brain will be to exercise. The higher the intensity, the better. If you’ve led a sedentary life for years, you may wish to proceed with caution and not overdo it.

Exercise will cause the lymph in your system to circulate well and flush out the toxins in your body. You’ll also perspire and release more toxins through your skin.

Exercise also causes the body to release endorphins which will lift your mood and make you feel better.

Make time to de-stress. Stress is a silent culprit for many diseases. Take time to meditate or relax and do something fun. Being stressed out all the time causes burnout. Your body will release the stress hormone cortisol which will take a toll on your central nervous system over time.

The Dalai Lama once said that sleep is the best meditation. Have a fixed sleep schedule where you go to bed and wake up at the same time daily. This will help you to get better sleep. Make sure your bedroom is conducive for good sleep.

One of the best measures that you can take to reduce brain fog would be to reduce your usage of digital devices. Social media has taken over the world and everyone is glued to their mobile screens getting aggravated over politics and other inane affairs.

Detoxing your brain will mean taking a break from social media and unnecessary usage of digital devices. You’ll discover that you feel better once you stop using these devices so often.

Follow these tips and you’ll naturally detox your brain and feel happier and have more mental clarity and focus in no time at all.

If you want to push your detoxing a little more, here are some supplements you can easily add to your diet: 

Fortune Delight® is a natural herbal beverage is designed to cleanse and nourish the body with an aromatic blend of concentrated herbal extracts. Each refreshing sip provides an array of nutrients, including polyphenols, bioflavonoids, and tea catechins—all known for their antioxidant properties.

Formulated with owner expertise and based on the Philosophy of Regeneration, VitaFruit® is made with the finest natural ingredients using a proprietary manufacturing process that extracts and concentrates the vital nutrients for superior potency. This process ensures maximum absorption and healthful benefits in the body. Loaded with highly concentrated herbal fruits, including skin-saving sea buckthorn, this beauty beverage is rich in collagen-facilitating vitamin C, folate, carotenoids, and essential fatty acids that support skin hydration, elasticity, and cellular regeneration.

Delicious hot or cold, Sunrider's Calli tea makes a healthy replacement for coffee, tea and other beverages. 

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