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5 Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels Naturally

May 09, 2022

5 Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels Naturally - Vegelia - Sunrider products for a healthy lifestyle

These days, it seems like everyone has low energy levels. We’re working longer hours, we’re getting less sleep, and in general, our stress levels are higher than ever before.

All of this added pressure can really wear us down, leaving us feeling sluggish and exhausted throughout the day. Fortunately, there are actually ways to naturally boost your energy levels and get back your strength.

In this article we’ll take a look at 5 simple ways to give yourself more energy so you can get through your busy day with ease!

1) Make sure you get enough sleep
It might seem completely obvious, but getting enough sleep is essential to having good energy levels. What many of us now take for a good sleep is actually inadequate. Although the amount of sleep needed varies from person to person, for most the optimal amount of sleep is 8 hours. This period of sleep should be as uninterrupted as possible. There are many ways of improving the quality of your sleep which you can easily learn about through searching online.

2) Monitor your stress levels
Another big factor in energy levels is stress. Feeling stressed can drastically decrease your energy levels making it difficult to stay focussed or even awake. Find ways to reduce your stress and you will almost certainly see an improvement in energy. A useful stress-busting tip is to make lists of the things you need to do tomorrow not long before bed. It can help clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and worries.

The first thing you should do is make sure you know your current stress levels. Stress can really take a toll on your energy levels, and it's important to keep tabs on how much stress you're currently experiencing. Take a few minutes each day and check in with yourself: How stressed out do you feel? What are some of your biggest stressors? Is there anything in particular you want to address that might be weighing on you? Make sure that what steps, if any, that can be taken today or in general moving forward.

3) Don't skip meals!
One of the worst things you can do for your energy levels is to skip meals. Your body gets its energy from the food you eat, so eating less food means having less energy. And if you really must skip a meal, make sure it’s not breakfast. By the time you wake up in the morning it will already have been a long time since you ate dinner, and skipping out breakfast only increases this. That’s a long time to go without a source of energy for your body!

Don't drink too much caffeine: While skipping meals is a good way to deplete your energy levels, another way is by consuming too much caffeine. Caffeine gets you alert, but can also leave you feeling jittery and agitated. Not only that, but it can actually cause insomnia in people who consume high amounts of it regularly. If you’re having trouble sleeping at night or just feeling fatigued throughout the day, try reducing your intake of coffee and other caffeinated drinks.

4) Get some sun
It’s a good idea to get some natural sunlight each day. Sunlight is proven to help regulate our circadian rhythm, as well as allowing your body release Vitamin D which has many health benefits. When it comes to exercise, you should aim for 2 sessions of at least 20 minutes each week. This will give you both physical and mental health benefits such as less stress and improved memory function. Another proven way of increasing energy levels is by undertaking mindfulness exercises daily. Mindfulness is all about practicing awareness of our bodies and thoughts, which in turn helps us manage emotions and cravings better.

5) Try Yoga and Meditation
You might think that exercise simply tires you out, but getting regular exercise can have a profound effect on your energy levels. By taking regular exercise, you improve your physical fitness, giving you greater stamina which means you can carry out activities for longer without getting tired as quickly.

Yoga is an ancient practice with deep origins in Hinduism. The idea behind it is that by stretching your body and meditating, you can improve your physical and mental health. A regular yoga practice has been shown to reduce stress levels, and also bring other health benefits such as lowering blood pressure, boosting immune system function, increasing flexibility of joints, improving posture and strengthening muscles.

Product recommendations from Sunrider
If you want to give yourself a little boost and get some extra energy, Sunrider has a few products to do just that, completely naturally.

Sunrise® - The natural energy boost shot
This unique liquid herbal concentrate delivers a boost of sustained natural energy and supports mental focus.* Low in calories and charged with powerful antioxidants, each 15-mL vial provides on-the-go fuel, making it ideal for athletes, students, and anyone needing an afternoon “pick-me-up.”

You can try it in a smoothie, such as our delicious Fine Liquid Sunrise Smoothie

MetaBooster® - sustained energy herbal supplement
Instead of containing steroids, stimulants, or chemicals to rev up your metabolism, MetaBooster® is powered by all-natural ingredients, including essential amino acids. An anti-aging ally, the ultra-concentrated antioxidants in MetaBooster help the body fight free radicals, which can damage cells as you age. MetaBooster also supports the transformation of nutrients into energy.

VitaFruit® Exotic fruit and herbs Concentrated Energy boost
VitaFruit® is a natural concentrate made from an expert blend of exotic herb-fruits renowned for their health benefits. 100% fruit-based with no artificial sweeteners or corn syrup, this genuine “super juice” is specially formulated to preserve the natural nutrients from whole foods and enhance the body’s ability to absorb and utilize them. VitaFruit also provides essential collagen-building nutrients that support skin health and natural beauty.

Try it in our Rising Red Sun Smoothie!

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